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What traits should you consider before choosing the best CBSE school for your child?

What traits should you consider before choosing the best CBSE school for your child?

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CBSE schools are known for having an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. With introductions such as Art Integration & Sports Integration, the Fit India Movement, and methodologies that revolve around multiple intelligences, anaytical thinking and experiential learning, it is a board that is worth giving preference above all the other boards. One of the schools in Pune that follows the CBSE curriculum religiously is The Lexicon International School, Wagholi. Not only does the school believe in the concept of 'No Child Left Behind' but also ensures that the students are given equal opportunities to participate through platforms such as special assemblies, the Research and Develeopment Programme and the C2B - Caterpillar to Butterfly Programme, to name a few. Such events help aid the all round development of the stduents - the very foundation on which the CBSE curriculum is based.

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