Family is our primary and immediate area of socialization. So it is important for us to make the home an interesting place and a very compatible and driend environment to promote and maintain healthy relationships between all the members.
All of us due to the technological advancements, are mostly into our mobile phones. But what has happened to the family bonding?
It is weaking day by day. From joint families now we have nuclear families.
So family bonding is weakening every generation. So we need to do some healthy family bonding activities so that we enjoy some quality time with our family.
One of the best way is by playing group games. Board games like Ludo, snakes and ladders. These games help maintaining solidarity and friendliness amongst the family members. Playing dumb charades , antakshari, singing , dancing and organizing small quizzes among the members helps in building family morale and overall solidarity.
You can binge watch family movies pr comedy movies so that everyone will enjoy.
Games like monopoly etc might help to provide some quality time. You should go out for family picnics, dinner etc so that everyone enjoys. Inviting cousins over might also help in providing some quality time.