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How To Parent Yourself?

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Parents are the primary and the immediate area of socialization for kids. So it is our duty to be a good parent since we are bringing them to this world. To be a good parent , first we have to be a good human. The we are a good being, we'll become a good parent as well. To be a good parent we have to understand them kids, we have to respect kids , we have to teach them , nourish them , feed them. To be a good parent we need to understand our kids first and foremost. If we fail to understand our kids , they'll fail to understand us and hence we'll fail to be a good parent. We need to educate them well, play with them , keep them happy. Only then we'll become a good parent. This is how you have to parent yourself by becoming a good parent.
Hi, Parenting is a journey, and there are a lot of learnings throughour this journey. Yes, it is always important & useful to have some knowledge about how to deal with the uncertain scenerios that may arise. To learn about parenthood, you may enroll in some online parenting course, seek help from your elders. You may also follow this website to have best parenting tips to deal with any parennting situation: https://www.schoolmykids.com/parenting/top-parenting-hacks-that-will-make-your-life-easier Hope this helps. Best Wishes.

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