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How to celebrate birthday during the quarantine?

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Fun activities for your kid's birthday during quarantine- 1. Make a surprise party for your kid and announce this in the morning that there is some surprise planned in the evening. Allocate a different room for you kid so that you can do your preparation well 2. Cook favourite meal of your child- Kids love to eat their favourite dishes. So, give him handmade favourite dishes as it will give him so much of happiness 3. Arrange a board game and card game tournament- The best part of being in quarantine is that everybody is at home. So take full advantage of that and play board games or card games full day and spent some family time. 4. Arrange an online playdate for your kid Invite his all friends for an online games and let them play for hours
For more Ideas- https://www.schoolmykids.com/activities/fun-activities-to-help-you-celebrate-your-kids-birthday-at-home

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