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How can parents influence their children's psycho social development?

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Parents are the primary and the immediate area of socialization for kids. So it is our duty to be a good parent since we are bringing them to this world.
To be a good parent , first we have to be a good human. The
we are a good being, we'll become a good parent as well.
To be a good parent we have to understand them kids, we have to respect kids , we have to teach them , nourish them , feed them.
To be a good parent we need to understand our kids first and foremost. If we fail to understand our kids , they'll fail to understand us and hence we'll fail to be a good parent.
We need to educate them well, play with them , keep them happy. Only then we'll become a good parent.Parents play the most important role in the development of our children. They are the primary group of the child when they are first born into the world family. The kids learn everything at the initial stage from their parents. They copy them ,mirror them.
They are a piece of clay waiting to be turned into the pot by the potter , the parents. What shape it has to be turned depends upon a lot of factors, but most importantly the parents.
The kids imbibe the basic moral education from their parents. We as parents teach them what to do , how to do , why to do and when to do. Through all this the kid learns the basic education required to go on for further education.
The kid is born into the family, so the parent's intellect is transfused directly into the mind of kids so the parents part in development is the immediate and most important.
It is us parents who train the kid fit for stepping into the world of formal education through preschools, schools ,colleges, university, the sports field, the dance stage or whatever the kid wants to pursue. Its us who are responsible for being the initial coach to the walk of life.
Therefore we the parents play most important role in the process of imbibing moral,formal,bookish and cultural knowledge into the minds of the children.

We teach the children the need to play, study, enjoy ,work hard etc.

Parents influence their child's social skills directly, indirectly and through management of their child's activities. ... They also influence them unintentionally through their own daily actions, such as conversing with other adults while their child is present.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes.

That's All folks