Logarithm Log Calculator

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logbx=ylog_{b}x = y
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Logarithm Log Calculator Details

The Logarithm is the inverse function of exponents. Addition, multiplication, subtraction and division are the key mathematical operations that are used in Log equations.

In Exponents, when a number b, the base, is raised to a certain power y, the exponent, then you can get the value x

x = by;

The logarithm of base b is the inverse operation, that provides the output y (the above exponent) from the input x.

Logarithm of a positive real number x with respect to base b is the exponent by which b must be raised to get x

 then y = logbx; where b is the base

It is pronounced as the logarithm of x to base b

Logarithm Base

The logarithm base 10 (b = 10) is called the decimal or common logarithm and is commonly used in science and engineering.

The natural logarithm has the number e (that is b ≈ 2.718) as its base; it is commonly used in mathematics and physics.

Common Log Formulas and Rules

Logarithm Product Rule

  • logb(xy) = logbx + logby

Logarithm Quotient Rule

  • logb(x/y) = logbx – logby

Logarithm Power Rule

  • logb(x^z) =z logbx
  • logb(x)1/p = (logbx)/p

How to Change log base in logarithms?

Logarithm change of base rule and formula to change log base from b to k

logb(x) = logk(x) / logk(b)

Logarithm base switch rule

logb(c) = logc(c) / logc(b)

as  logc(c) = 1, therefore

logb(c) = 1/ logc(b)