Age Calculator
Find how old are you? Find out your exact age in years, months, and days with our Age Calculator. Simply enter your birthdate and the date you want to calculate your age for, and our tool will do the rest. It's fast, accurate, and free! You can also use this to calculate time between two dates or age as on today. Also use our School Admission Age Calculator to calculate the ideal age for your child to start school.
Explore other calculators or unit converters or try out our Age Calculator and learn more about Age .
Age Calculator Details
The SchoolMyKids age calculator calculates age on a particular date. You can also calculate it to calculate you age as on today. Enter your date of birth in years , months and days and also enter the date on which you want to calculate your age on.
You can also use this to calculate time span between two dates in years, months and days.
Also use our School Admission Age Calculator to calculate the ideal age for your child to start school.