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When choosing preschool or kindergarten what do l look out for?

When choosing preschool or kindergarten what do l look out for?

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Selecting preschool can be tough and exciting for parents. As a parent you want to be confident that you decide right preschool for your child. While choosing preschool program that is best for your child, parents should consider the level of communication between the school and parent. It’s important that there is a regular interaction with the parent and ensured that the school is giving a feedback on child’s development and daily routine. Always enquire of practical matter first and feasibility keeping your child’s age. In preschool it’s all about the staff members and how committed, caring and dedicated they are to the program. Parents should look for preschool which offer plenty of opportunities for active play. It’s very important that children have daily exposure to fine motor and gross motor skills. Teachers should be able to make clear the classroom rules to the child and your child knows what to expect. Example, by a reward chart or treasure chest in the classroom. As a whole each parent looks for different priorities when evaluating a preschool. Start by checking management, curriculum, infrastructure, teaching staff, student teacher ratio, support staff, proximity to your home and work, transportation, quality of play equipment’s ,school hours including play time, snack time, activities . Young children are better for greater academic success as they have the ability early to handle things, engage with peers, explore with all their senses, and have the ability to work with their thoughts and feelings.

Every small thing matters while you are choosing preschool for your kids. Your child will benefit from your active concern and involvement with his or her education.

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