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What are the best toys for kids to play at home?

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The best toys to play at home for kids differ from age to age: Kids which are newborn can play toys usually that rattle, because the rattling sounds ususally fantasies the kids and attract their attention to, they people joyful, kids also love cars to play with, also kids love various sets of barbies, building blocks, clay toys and kitchen parts , mechanics games and many others. Kids love teddy bears as well.
Kids as soon as they grow, their toys change they now can play with hotwheels car sets and a full set with roads, parking also comes now, all sets of lego toys now come, kids also love to play zenga, all times of memorising games, like memory skills, find the odd one out. Kids love to do colouring so that is there favourite past time. As kids grow they usually shift to card games, board games like monopoly, business, ludo, they love to play UNO cards also they can play games with deck of cards, scramble is one of the best games to boost the knowledge of kids.

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