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Organizing and Planning for School Success

By Karuna Patel|3 - 4 mins read| April 03, 2024

No doubt, the schooling phase is an intense time in a kid’s life. The typical changes when transitioning from a simple elementary school to a middle school, including increased workload, homework stress, high expectations, and regular tests, have ultimately made it overwhelming for school students. Not only has it made kids feel more stressed, but it also reflects in the students’ performance. Nearly 45 percent of children said they feel extremely stressed due to school.

However, with planning and organization, it is possible to steer through these challenges and apprehensions. With little effort and giving little time to organizing, your kid can achieve success during their school years and beyond. Organization is much more than just clean notes and a study schedule.

In this article, we will explore some of the best organization and planning tips that are indeed effective in accomplishing success goals. Read below to find out more.

5 Best Organizing and Planning Tips For School Going Kids

Here are the 5 best school organization tips you need to know.

Create a schedule.

Having a schedule can help you effectively manage your time. Begin by designating a specific time for finishing your homework and studying. Figure out your weekly schedule for extracurricular activities and work commitments. Make sure you don’t forget to take little breaks to relax. While it’s important to notice consistency in following the schedule, slight adjustments as needed are perfectly fine.

Get it ready the night before

We’re sure most parents struggle with their kids’ habit of getting late for school in the morning. And things get even tougher when you have to get your kids dressed up, pack their school bags and lunch, or make them have breakfast. However, most of these chores could be prepared the night before. Whether it’s packing the school bag or organizing the school dress, getting everything ready a night before can greatly help reduce any unnecessary hustle in the morning.

Utilize digital organization resources

Nowadays, there are hundreds of digital applications and other resources, especially those designed for organizing and managing things. Guide your child to access digital calendars and spreadsheets, which they can utilize to mark important dates for assignment submission, deadlines, or figuring out the tasks they need to complete on a daily or weekly basis. This will ensure your child doesn’t miss out on anything and keeps everything completed on time.

Set up your own study space

Does your child end up studying on their bed? If yes, you will need to consider designating your kids their own study space. Having a clean, quiet, and clutter-free study space will ensure that your child maintains attention while learning. And lastly, make sure it has proper lighting and no distractions are present in order to create a peaceful learning environment.

No Distractions

The role of keeping your kids away from irrelevant distractions during their study time cannot be stressed enough. Whether it’s a smartphone or television, prevent your child from accessing these gadgets during their study period. This will ensure your child has complete focus on the learning. You might hand them the tablets or phone during break; however, the better alternative is to encourage them to engage in short walks or mediate during their relaxation time.

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About The Author:

Karuna Patel

Last Updated: Wed Apr 03 2024

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