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5 Best Counting Math Activities For Preschoolers

By Karuna Patel|2 - 3 mins read| April 03, 2024

Counting is indeed the basic building block when it comes to mathematics, and helping your toddlers learn counting does not need to be dull. Therefore, it becomes important for every parent to make this learning journey an exciting one for their preschoolers with just a few simple counting activities. Most importantly, making them fall in love with these concepts at a young age can help them build strong basics for later. Read below this article to find some of the best counting math activities for preschoolers to build curiosity for learning in your little ones.

Number Hunt

This is a fun-loaded game where you can hide some number-written flashcards around the house and hand over some sticky notes to your kids. Ask them to find the corresponding number card for each sticky note. This is not only a great learning activity but also an adventure-filled indoor activity. 

Block Counting

What could be better than building blocks for teaching basic counting concepts? You can ask your little one to count the blocks aloud as they stack each one of them. You might also ask them to count the number of blocks they need to create a structure. This way, they will easily be able to boost their counting skills.

Cheerios Counting

For this activity, you will need only a packet of cheerios, and then ask your kid to count them as they eat. This activity is not only perfect for teaching counting skills but is also deliciously fun, and your kids will surely enjoy it!

Counting Walk

This is the easiest activity to teach your preschooler counting skills in a fun way. Take them on a morning walk, and then you may ask them to count their steps. You might even ask them to count the flowers, trees, or animals that come along the way as they take the stroll. This activity is not only great for learning counting skills but also for improving observation skills.

Counting Rhymes

Lastly, rhymes and songs can never be enough to teach fantastic skills to kids without putting in much effort. You only need to introduce your toddler to some counting rhymes, such as ‘Five Little Ducks,’ or ‘Five Little Monkeys’ that can help them learn the number concept in an enjoyable way. You may even sing some number-themed songs and then ask your child to join in to make their experience a playful one.


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About The Author:

Karuna Patel

Last Updated: Wed Apr 03 2024

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